Equipment Certification Exam
The Equipment Certification exam is both theory and practical, and can be taken by students who have completed the full equipment series to then become the APPI Fully Certified Pilates Instructor.
Assessment Criteria:
The following assessment criteria will be applied to each of the exercises that you teach:
Correct exercise taught
Demonstration given
Quality of demonstration
Explanation of exercise given
Clarity of explanation given
Clarity of teaching instructions
Use of verbal feedback
Use of tactile feedback
Appropriate use of visualisation
Overall attention to posture
The following criteria will also be applied to your teaching:
Attention to your posture
Voice clarity
Volume of voice
Overall ability to give the required feedback
Overall nature of teaching instructions
Ability to modify exercises when required
Overall attention to posture of patient
Exam filming tips
As this is a practical Pilates 1:1 session you are required to have the practical pieces of Pilates equipment for you and your client, so please bare this in mind when you are preparing your session.
You will need to have someone who will be acting as your client.
To record your exam, this can be done on a mobile, IPad, Tablet or a Laptop that has a web camera. Please make sure that you do a test run so that we can see in full shot the Pilates 1:1 session, you and the client and that the sound is clear.
Please make sure that your practical session is no longer than 60min. This counts towards your mark (your client intro doesn’t count towards your 60min practical session, so your final video will indeed be slightly longer than 60min altogether).
Make sure you are brief on the instructions on the video (client history). Please provide: your client’s history (any injuries or issues that you are trying to improve through the use of your chosen programme) + the main clinical aims of your session and why they are relevant to your client (what you are trying to achieve by applying the exercises you’ve chosen).
You can then just move straight into your session, try to make it as fluid as possible, just like you would do during a normal class.
If your client has not done Pilates before please pre-teach them the 5 key elements and basic principles so the session will flow OK. In the session it is assumed the 5 key elements and basic exercises are already taught.
Before each exercise: please just make sure that you say the name of the exercise you are going to show next; show the exercise as you briefly instruct the patient; and then go into your teaching while getting the patient to perform the exercise.
Please allow 3-4 weeks to receive your exam results. You will receive both theory and practical results together.
The theory exam unit for your exam is a online unit, and can be taken from the time of booking until 7 days after your exam date.
This 60 minute examination consists of multiple choice (20) and short answer (five) questions. Multiple choice questions will test the following:
• components of the Pilates equipment i.e. carriage extenders, safety chain
• movement aims, application, modifications and progressions
• pre-cautions
• Short answer questions will test the following:
• ability to design population specific Pilates programmes
• ability to select exercises for stabilisation of specific regions i.e. cervical spine, scapulo- thoracic,
• lumbo-pelvic and hip
• ability to select exercises for specific mobilisation – joint and soft tissue and in all planes of movement
• ability to safely and effectively progress Pilates programme
There will be a link to this on your education learner profile once you have booked your exam.
Ready for Exam?
Please book your exam via online :