Where can I find the course materials?
Once you purchase a course, this will be added to your Education Learner Profile. Here you can find all the details about the course as well as course information and materials.
How can I access my Education Learner Profile?
After you login on your account, click My Account at the top of the page and your profile will come up. On the left side of the screen, you will see Education Learner Profile, where you can find all your enrolled courses. All the detailed information for each course can be found there.
How can I get the Certificate of Attendance?
Your Certificate of Attendance can be downloaded from your Education Learner Profile after completing each lesson and after submitting your feedback.
When can I take the Certification Exam?
You can take your Certification Exam after completing the course, whenever you feel ready. Please remember that you need to submit your completed logbook together with your exam.
We recommend taking the Certification Exam within 2 years after completing the course.